What I’ve been up to and the games I’ve been playing.
We also joined the x360a gamerscore league as a podcast. It’s a yearly event that usually takes place from mid September unitl the end of October. The victor is generally the squirrel that stores up the most nuts during the year. Squirrel = Gamer Nuts = Easy Gamerscore games. We will get rolled on but not because of me. SHOTS FIRED!!!
Speaking of roll, I’m on one with my work-out schedule. I think I’ve only missed one day out of the last two weeks. Not that I haven’t tried to be this consistent in the past, just nagging little injuries here and there kept me down and out for a while over the past few years.
I laughed pretty hard at this message. Just picturing it in my head made it even better.
You’ve probably already seen this Gangnam style video. If you haven’t, it’s a must watch
Another day spent with Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.
No Stone Unturned
Investigate a sinister conspiracy.
Under Pressure
Uncover an ancient secret.
Conspiracy Theorist
Use clues to pinpoint the exact location of an objective.
Family Matters
Rescue a civilian from Reaper forces.
The Walking Dead Episode 3 is coming out on Wednesday and I’m DYING to get into that. Sudden onslaught of gaming goodness, even if it’s mini chunks.
All Your Messages are Belong to Me.
Simple. I’m not a big fan of Soccer games. I don’t hate them, I just find them boring after a few hours. I have around 10 Soccer games on my card though.
I would make more if I had the time. I need an assistant. 🙂
Nothing but Transformers all day long while I sing my song.
I’m almost done with the MP, I have one class left to max out and that’s sitting on level 20. Around 170k more XP to go. My play time for multiplayer was nearly 10 hours yesterday and my ass didn’t feel so well once I peeled it from the couch.
Single player levels V- X didn’t make me think any less of the game, still, high quality gaming through and through. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store for the final two chapters.
I’m shooting to have the 1k by the end of the day, but that may not happen due to the MP xp I still need to accumulate.
My final thoughts and review score for Transformers:FoC tomorrow.
Status on the goals I set yesterday.
Gamerscore goals for 8-26
1) Finish the Transformers: FoC multiplayer achievements (almost, still have around 170,000XP to gain)
2) Get the majority of FoC campaign done (Yes. Two chapter left and then some clean up)
I did the best I could do.
Gaming Goals for 8-27
1) Get 1,000 gamerscore in Transformers:FoC
All Your Messages Are Belong To MEEEEEEEEEEEE
I’ll go with The Walking Dead games. $5 is a freaking steal for them!!
Don’t be fooled. She wants to murder me A LOT some days. Like today.
Accomplished exactly what I set out to do today. Completed a game and completed a portion of another. I talk some games, set some goals and answer some messages.
What I played and the achievements I unlocked:
Here’s a brief All Your Messages Are Belong To Me
Thanks for checking the show out! I’m not in the beta but what I’ve heard about the IE app, I do not like. No video support? Blah.
Thanks for the support. Tell your KUZ, SUP.
Someone seems a little self-conscious about their GS? 😛
Go HAM or go home.
Gamerscore goals for 8-26
1) Finish the Transformers: FoC multiplayer achievements