- 6 years, 10 days
- 190,166,400 seconds
- 3,169,440 minutes
- 52,824 hours
- 314 weeks
- Total Gamerscore: 657,401
- Total Achievements: 27,326
- Total Games Played: 986
- Total Completed Games: 552
I actually got a few hours of gaming in today but that was early in the AM on Saints Row The Third and Shuffle Party WP7. Played absolutely nothing in the PM except for a few main menus (NCSI and Rex) and a lot of dashboard camping. We need to come up with a better name for dashboard campers.
Here’s a little random gameplay footage from Saints yesterday. It’s really hard not to love this game. An absolute riot! FIAJ FTW!
Thanks to Omega Deez for the end beat.