- 6 Years, 9 days
- 190,080,000 seconds
- 3,168,000 minutes
- 52,800 hours
- 314 weeks
- Total Gamerscore: 657,351
- Total Achievements: 27,318
- Total Games Played: 985
- Total Completed Games: 552
I think I got on my 360 at about 11:45PM and loaded up Saints Row 3. While I waited for Omega, I booted up my phone and downloaded the free Windows Phone game Shuffle Party. I played that for all of two minutes then probably got about 5 minutes of Saints Row 3 in before the clock struck midnight. I need a single commando kill and one more stage of survival to put a bow on Saints. So roughly 7 minutes of play time today and even less time than that to finish Saints….if I can find a commando to kill. Send me a game invite if you have commandos to kill in your game.
S.T.A.G You ain’t got no alibi you ugly
Eh! Hey! You ugly
Cheer if I want to, cheer if I want to
You would cheer too if you were in my shoes