Music Game of the Year

In a year where music games seem to be taking a nose dive into obscurity there are still plenty of great new games to choose from. Even though sales figures are down the quality and depth to the genre is definitely up.

Best Music Game of the Year
Worst Music Game of the Year

I’m not really sure what to say about this one. It hardly qualifies as a music game it features 4 Rob Zombie songs on loop. more of a spamming of colors on screen then it is a rhythm game. All in all the game is horrible there are a couple funny lines of dialogue but not enough to make it worth while. I’m sure people expected this pick to be Power Gig: Rise of the Six String but aside from the Air strike drum kit it isn’t a bad game. Karaoke Revolution also had it’s best showing this year after ditching the American Idol moniker.

Quotes From the Staff:

Stallion83: “…        “

StophJ: “Ehh, Multi-player ruined this game for me… but also exposed the ability to just turbo control it to finish the career. if you own a turbo controller and want so quick points rent it. if you don’t have a turbo or like completions avoid it.”