In a year of extremely solid first person shooters, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Halo Reach, Call of Duty Black Ops, it was hard to decide on what stood out as the best. Luckily the worst of was a clear cut choice. Check out the winner and losers after the break.
First Person Shooter of the Year
Worst First Person Shooter of the Year
Sega of America
Aliens vs. Predator was an easy choice for the worst FPS of the year. partially cause all of the others were really solid but mostly because AVP was a turd someone forgot to polish. The game offered 3 separate campaigns of mediocrity and broken multi player. Add the extremely dark lighting (there is a difference between dramatic effect and unplayable.) and poor in game direction this game isn’t worth your time. If you haven’t played it yet avoid it. If you do play it don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Stallion83: The horrible movie was 1000 times more entertaining.
StophJ: If you ever put a game in because someone can’t find a sixth person playing it there may be a reason for the that. I should have avoided this one.