Achievement Bounty 9-9-2010

Just gearing up for the GSL. It starts in about 22 hours of me writing this. I have finally thought about a game plan, nothing note worthy up my sleeve. Probably won’t get much done tomorrow, but come Saturday, there should be a significant leap in my activity. No more pussy footing about. No xbox live message of the day, haven’t gotten any good material lately.

It’s on!

AB Daily Audio

Achievement Bounty 9-9-2010

Just gearing up for the GSL. It starts in about 22 hours of me writing this. I have finally thought about a game plan, nothing note worthy up my sleeve. Probably won’t get much done tomorrow, but come Saturday, there should be a significant leap in my activity. No more pussy footing about. No xbox live message of the day, haven’t gotten any good material lately.

It’s on!

AB Daily Audio