Achievement Bounty 9-8-2010

Spider-man: Dimensions is all I’ve played. I’m still enjoying it quite a bit. A lot of variety found within, which keeps it fresh like zip locks. 6 levels to go before I’m done with the campaign. I tried to make a guess yesterday about how long it will take to compete. Unless there is some kind of glitch, it will take 15+ hours to 1,000. I had a goal of getting to 800,000 trueachievement score today, but I fell short.

The cat is out of the bag and there will be scratching. MachiNe Team V1651438(total combined gamerscore) invades the Gamerscore league Season 9. It starts up Saturday at 12:01am EST and runs until the clock strikes midnight November 1st. Smrnov, Tjayars, Omega Deez, and I will be trying to pull it off. Personally, I think we are being thrown to the wolves and our chances of winning it is slim. It won’t be because of a lack of effort, it will be brought. Good luck to everyone participating in it.

AB Daily Audio

Achievement Bounty 9-8-2010

Spider-man: Dimensions is all I’ve played. I’m still enjoying it quite a bit. A lot of variety found within, which keeps it fresh like zip locks. 6 levels to go before I’m done with the campaign. I tried to make a guess yesterday about how long it will take to compete. Unless there is some kind of glitch, it will take 15+ hours to 1,000. I had a goal of getting to 800,000 trueachievement score today, but I fell short.

The cat is out of the bag and there will be scratching. MachiNe Team V1651438(total combined gamerscore) invades the Gamerscore league Season 9. It starts up Saturday at 12:01am EST and runs until the clock strikes midnight November 1st. Smrnov, Tjayars, Omega Deez, and I will be trying to pull it off. Personally, I think we are being thrown to the wolves and our chances of winning it is slim. It won’t be because of a lack of effort, it will be brought. Good luck to everyone participating in it.

AB Daily Audio