The Road to The Million: Going S.A.M. Day: 2,201

  • 6 years, 10 days
  • 190,166,400 seconds
  • 3,169,440 minutes
  • 52,824 hours
  • 314 weeks
  • Total Gamerscore: 657,401
  • Total Achievements: 27,326
  • Total Games Played: 986
  • Total Completed Games: 552

I actually got a few hours of gaming in today but that was early in the AM on Saints Row The Third and Shuffle Party WP7. Played absolutely nothing in the PM except for a few main menus (NCSI and Rex) and a lot of dashboard camping. We need to come up with a better name for dashboard campers. 

Here’s a little random gameplay footage from Saints yesterday. It’s really hard not to love this game. An absolute riot! FIAJ FTW!

Thanks to Omega Deez for the end beat.

The Road to The Million: Going S.A.M. Day: 2,201

  • 6 years, 10 days
  • 190,166,400 seconds
  • 3,169,440 minutes
  • 52,824 hours
  • 314 weeks
  • Total Gamerscore: 657,401
  • Total Achievements: 27,326
  • Total Games Played: 986
  • Total Completed Games: 552

I actually got a few hours of gaming in today but that was early in the AM on Saints Row The Third and Shuffle Party WP7. Played absolutely nothing in the PM except for a few main menus (NCSI and Rex) and a lot of dashboard camping. We need to come up with a better name for dashboard campers. 

Here’s a little random gameplay footage from Saints yesterday. It’s really hard not to love this game. An absolute riot! FIAJ FTW!

Thanks to Omega Deez for the end beat.