Achievement Bounty 10-27-2010

Achievement Bounty 10-27-2010 (22) (375GS)
All Your Messages Are Belong To Me

Chaos Xing says: Please trademark the phrase “My Hero Hammer” and use it at appropriate times. I’ll have to find a way to say that to my girlfriend, but I’ll be hindered by my lack of the dude package. -ChaosXing, still the #1 lesbian fan.
Hot Tip for Fable III: Comes from Gamertag: KillerBEA X
*minor spoilers*
“When you become king, if you want to save time and a playthrough be a douchebag tyrant. Even that wont quite be enough you will need 800k more so upgrade any job to level 5. use that money to buy property. You will gain money from your property. Spend that earnings on better property. In about 2-3 hours of doing this i have earned over 300k. 10 k every time I do lute hero. Money wont be an issue after a while.”
Got a HOT TIP? Send me a message.

Streaming Live In My Scooby Doo Underoos

Achievement Bounty 10-22-2010 (4) (165GS)

I know I sound like a broken record, but I’m looking to pick it up. It would take me 50 years or better to get a million at the sloth like pace I’m currently at.

Still Stuck In Neutral

Achievement Bounty 10-21-2010 (4) (80GS)
I never really got into 1st gear like I had planned. I can feel the urge coming back, it’s just a matter of when. The new look of is taking a while to grow on me. I do like the ability to customize my avatar,  but everything else just seems odd. Maybe change is hard for some people to deal with. Soon we may completely forget about the old look. has gone through many changes and I personally don’t remember exactly what it looked like a few years ago.
All Your Message Are Belong To Me
Whiskey Daniels says: hey, go cut your hair you vincent chase wannabe looking ***
S83: Is that suppose to be an insult? Comparing me to a movie star that gets all the ladies….thanks!
TheSirdraven says: Just read about you in a National Newspaper here in England, thats some going to get mentioned in a overseas paper on the basis of your Gamerscore. Awesome work.

Stallion The Slacker

Achievement Bounty 10-20-2010 (4) (70GS)
As a whole, I don’t think I’ve been slacking. But when it comes to gamerscore, I feel like a little lost puppy trying to find my way back home. The main reason is probably because I’ve been sick. It’s hard to stay focused on anything when your head is cloudy with a chance of meatballs.  I haven’t been slacking on messages,  just like the gamer spot light days, I’ve been sending messages back like crazy.  I’m looking to ease my foot on the gas pedal today, maybe try to get into 1st gear and then go from there.

All Your Messages Are Belong To Me- Xbox LIVE Message Of The Day

Monty Airline says: People are more interested in how you pay your bills than how some politicians afford their extravagant lifestyles without evident means.  It’s wild.  The notion is that your goal is peculiar and bizarre.  Stamp collecting or hybridizing orchids, you’d be fine.  But this so many people think is strange.  What’s truly bizarre is that people are so intent on that particular aspect of the 1 million goal.  I’ve never seen anything quite like it.

Gone Fishin’

Once again it was a very disappointing day in achievement land. I played a little bit of The Strike today and it seems like a decent fishing game so far.
HOT TIP: for The Strike: Comes from Gamertag: Totally Krispix
hey just the heads up but when u unlock the invitational tourneys u don’t have to play them. think they are 20 mins long for each of the 5..u can just sit there. don’t even have to catch anything.

Have a HOT TIP for a game I’m playing? Send it my way on XBOX LIVE.

All your messages are belong to me – Xbox Live message of the day

Boomshott writes: ok thank u so much for talking to me ur my idol. i cant play that cuz im in high school. ive had my account for two weeks i appreciate u taking the time to talk . ill never delete the messages