Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)
One Million Gamerscore
Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512
Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast – Episode #128 (right click to save as)
Gamerscore Millionaire
Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)
One Million Gamerscore
Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512
Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)
One Million Gamerscore
Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512