Achievement Bounty 1-1-2011 (2) (45GS) |
Achievements obtained from NBA 2k11.
I spent most of the new year fighting with the NBA 2k11 servers. Either games won’t count, will drop, or won’t start. It’s very frustrating because I love team-up mode and I want to play it. It doesn’t help that the majority of players are extremely poor teammates.
2011 Stats
Achievements & Gamerscore
Total achievements: 2
Total gamerscore: 45
Retail game achievements: 2
Retail game gamerscore: 45
Arcade achievements:
Arcade gamerscore:
DLC achievements:
DLC gamerscore:
Windows Phone 7 achievements:
Windows Phone 7 gamerscore:
Achievements from great games: 2
Gamerscore from great games: 45
Games Played
Amazing games: Halo: Reach
Great games: NBA 2k11
Good games:
Bad games:
Terrible games: