My view on gaining achievements. What is right and what is wrong in my personal opinion. First off there are the universal rules. It’s standard protcol that all respectable achievement whores live by.
- You cannot use gamesaves, hack your achievements, or swap profiles with other people.
- You cannot stand-by people or bridge in online gaming.
That’s the universial rules as stated in chapter seven paragraph six in the gamerscore bible”How to play by the rules you filthy gamerscore whore”
Here is the best list of gamers around the world who haven’t cheated. Universal Leaderboard
The Stallion Rules
- If your gamertag is over 50k and you have other people gaining achievements for you, it must be made known. If you fail to comply, your gamescore is completely invaild and all bragging rights are forfeited.
- A few achievements obtained by someone other than yourself is exceptable as long as you admit it. Still, no account trading. Personally, I wouldn’t let anyone get a single achievement on my card.
- Halo 3, Gears of War, Battlefield: Bad Company, Shadowrun and Perfect Dark Zero. You had to at least play one of these without boosting it. If you didn’t, what is the point of having xbox live if your not going to use it? I know everyone doesn’t like shooters, but if you boosted all these games, you more than likely boost every single game you play. FAIL.
- If you used the Gun glitch you owe me 1,200 microsoft points and you owe yourself a trip to the hardware store so they can drive a few nails into your skull.