Crackdown 2 Deludge DLC Is Out Now

For a mere 560MSP you can try out co-op arcade mode which seems like a horde mode.
“Deluge co-op arcade mode where you defend the city zones against ever growing waves of Pacific City bad guys. Try it alone or with up to four players on Xbox LIVE for ever more demanding battles.”
It also includes16-player capture the orb with 6 arenas to wreak havoc in,  10 new achievements, and avatar awards.

Fight Night Champion Trailer

Here is the debut trailer for Fight Night Champion which is set to release in March of 2011.

Huge boxing game nut myself so this automatically sky rockets to one of my most wanted games of 2011. See you in the ring.

EA Announces Wildlife: Forest Survival For XBLA

Wildlife: Forest Survival is an Xbox LIVE arcade title that is slated for early 2011. You are an animal in the wild competing against other animals to become the king of the jungle.

“Experience life and death in the wild as an animal, competing against other animals in a ferocious struggle to survive and become the dominant species. Use agility and alertness to escape the jaws of a fierce predator, employ cunning and speed to capture and kill your prey, and carefully balance hunting your quarry while dodging your foes. In the unpredictable wild, every moment counts—whether you’re running for your life or pouncing on your latest meal!”