Leapfrog Part Tres: Day 50

Achievement Bounty 6-25-2011 
(7 Achievements) (90 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from Plants vs. Zombies.

Total Gamerscore: 589,960

Total Achievements: 24,419

Total Games Played: 866
Total Completed Games: 502
Day 50 of Achievement Leapfrog: FAILED

(at least 49 achievements needed) 
7 Achievements
90 Gamerscore 

I can’t get myself to pull the plug on this leapfrog but maybe after a few more failed days I’ll let it RIP.

Leapfrog Part Tres: Day 49

Achievement Bounty 6-24-2011 
(55 Achievements) (1,010 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from: F.E.A.R. 3, Shadows of the Damned, and Plants vs. Zombies.

Total Gamerscore: 589,870

Total Achievements: 24,412

Total Games Played: 866
Total Completed Games: 502

Day 49 of Achievement Leapfrog: PASSED
(at least 48 achievements needed)
55 Achievements
1,010 Gamerscore 

Okay, maybe I lied about yesterday being my last day of leapfrog. I started to really get into Shadows of the Damned and nothing could break me away from it. It’s a nice 3rd person shooter that is not only under the radar but is corky as can be. I really enjoyed it a lot but it doesn’t have much replay value whatsoever. Unless of course you are going for the full 1,000 gamerscore points because to get all the achievements, it will take 3 full playthroughs as the difficulties do not stack.

It may be my sleeper hit of the year, I may need to check those facts but it’s in the convo.

Portal 3 totally needs anus warps.

Leapfrog Part Tres: Day 48

Achievement Bounty 6-23-2011 
(54 Achievements) (1,120 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from: Cars 2, F.E.A.R. 3, Shadows of the Damned, Wipeout in The Zone, Dungeon Siege III, and Plants vs. Zombies.

Total Gamerscore: 588,860

Total Achievements: 24,357

Total Games Played: 866
Total Completed Games: 502

Day 48 of Achievement Leapfrog: PASSED
(at least 47 achievements needed)
54 Achievements
1,120 Gamerscore 

After a few hitches and a lot of suck, I finally got you #47! That may be it for this leapfrog, I just feel like I’ve run the course.

So much here but I’ll just say F.E.A.R. 3 didn’t impress or interest me until about Interval 4 or 5. I’m starting to warm up to it and the co-op is at least interesting. Punch/melee the hanging beef for the YO, Adrian! secret achievement. The meat is found in interval 3 and is hard to miss.

Leapfrog Part Tres: Day 47

Achievement Bounty 6-22-2011 
(12 Achievements) (280 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from Cars 2.

Total Gamerscore: 587,740

Total Achievements: 24,303

Total Games Played: 862
Total Completed Games: 502

Day 47 of Achievement Leapfrog: FAILED
(at least 47 achievements needed)
12 Achievements
280 Gamerscore 

I’m really sick of seeing failed now.

Leapfrog Part Tres: Day 46

Achievement Bounty 6-21-2011 
(34 Achievements) (615 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from: Full Hose Poker and Cars 2.

Total Gamerscore: 587,460

Total Achievements: 24,291

Total Games Played: 862
Total Completed Games: 502

Day 46 of Achievement Leapfrog: FAILED
(at least 47 achievements needed)
34 Achievements
615 Gamerscore 

I had this one in the bag but then my power went down for 12 hours. It happened and like most things in life, it’s best not to cry over spilled milk.

On another note, Cars 2 is not that bad of a game, more like Mario Kart or Blur this go around. I’m not recommending you run out to the store and buy it asap, just saying that you will not hate yourself one bit for playing it. Most of the achievements come within the flow of the game, an excellent set of achievements to unlock.