Two Is Better Than One

Tomorrow expect to see some Dead Rising 2 achievements on the bounty. I really hope the co-op works properly, hopefully I haven’t set myself up for major disappointment.  I have really been looking forward to this game for quite sometime.  Other than that, got back to watching some BSG. The episode I just watched has sucked me back in. Adama is such a bad ass, my favorite character on the show so far.

GameFly Before You Buy

I’ve been asked many times how I get so many games. The cheapest and most efficient way of getting games fast is through GameFly™

GameFly Before You Buy

I’ve been asked many times how I get so many games. The cheapest and most efficient way of getting games fast is through GameFly™

The Smallest Bounty You Can Get

Another failed day at getting a good bounty. Luckily Dead Rising 2 is coming out very soon to swoop in and save the day. I think I’m just too impatient in general to sit down and enjoy a fishing game. Like most people, I want instant results. My character in The Strike totally looks like Bill Mitchell, without that godawful Red, White, and Blue tie of course. Speaking of that, Team Wiebe or Team Michell?

The Smallest Bounty You Can Get

Another failed day at getting a good bounty. Luckily Dead Rising 2 is coming out very soon to swoop in and save the day. I think I’m just too impatient in general to sit down and enjoy a fishing game. Like most people, I want instant results. My character in The Strike totally looks like Bill Mitchell, without that godawful Red, White, and Blue tie of course. Speaking of that, Team Wiebe or Team Michell?